**DISCLAIMER** Please note: I am not a veterinarian, and the purpose of this blog is solely to educate, provide resources, and share Reo's story. In this blog, I will present research and information on the theories of SARDS to which I subscribe, along with my own narrative. If you think your dog may have SARDS, or adrenal exhaustion/Plechner Syndrome, please seek veterinary care right away!

If you are just beginning your SARDS education, I suggest you start with the blog post from August 22, 2011 entitled "SARDS Resources". If you'd like to know our trials, tribulations, and joys from the beginning, start with "But first...Reo!" and click chronologically on from there.

If you would like to read my suggestions as to how I would approach treatment for a newly-diagnosed dog, check the November 16, 2011 post "If I had another SARDS dog" (and then read my blog more fully for appropriate context).

Though we have decided to suspend Reo's retinal protection supplements in September 2012 (see September 16, 2012 post "Decision for Reo") due to the fact that she had very little remaining vision, I am still strongly supportive of our treatment approach, and know that it changed Reo's health and longevity in a positive way. Feel free to comment and ask me any questions - I am happy to help if I can!

Update: Reo became an angel on October 21, 2014. She had a profound kidney infection, causing acute kidney failure, and she was unable to recover. The contributing factors to her decline are covered in my February 16, 2015 blog post "Farewell to Reo".

Though I do not regularly update this blog any longer, much of the information is still relevant (though some of the links may be out of date). Feel free to join the conversation at "SARDS Dogs United" on Facebook.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Reo's updated obstacle course videos

08/17/12 - Wow, I've been so bad about updating lately!  We've been having a lot of summer fun.  We went camping, and had my parents out to visit, so we've been busy.

So, we've passed about a year since Reo was confirmed to have her vision return.  Here is one of last August's videos for reference (many more videos archived on my blog!):

August 2011 course

Since this time, her vision improved in the fall/winter, but then took a huge backslide as her stress kicked up due to our family's cross-country move. My thought was that when we moved, she had no vision whatsoever. She received another series of DepoMedrol injections, hopefully to help reset her system, and she did improve.

Lately, I've been wondering if she has any vision at all, or if she's just mapped things out. I do find it curious that she bumps into things a lot. I would have thought if she were totally blind, she would have mapped things out better. I spoke with Caroline Levin about this, and she said it's been commonly
reported in humans that low-vision is more difficult to navigate than no-vision. So, I don't know what is going on. Certainly sometimes, it seems like she can't see anything - she can't track a cotton ball like she used to.

But, recently, I took some new obstacle course videos for curiosity's sake - now I don't know what to think! I think she could still have a little vision left.

August 2012 #1

August 2012 #2

August 2012 #3

She seemed to have the most problem in the last video, getting caught between the gutter downspout and the strawberry flat! But because I've never had a blind dog before, I'm not sure if dogs can do exercises like this obstacle course based on their other senses?

Reo appears to have the most trouble in the shade/light transition, which I think is worthy of note (she always seems to do better in full sun).  There is no doubt that she does not get around as well as she was one year ago, but I don't think that she is completely blind, as she can get around some of the obstacles and not crash into them like a fully blind dog would.  I feel certain that she is completely blind in her right eye, and she has some minimal vision in her left.

I'm not any closer to making a decision about whether to continue all of the retinal protection supplements, or to just suspend the and let her become fully blind over time.  I need to do some more thinking about that.