04/29/12 - We were out in the yard planting and doing various things today, and I thought I'd take a video of Reo. It's been quite a while since I last did a video of her going through a course, and to be honest, I was not expecting her to do well, given her backslide with vision lately.
But, what do you guys think? Totally blind or something there?
Note that she bumps the orange bucket with her body and the last black bucket with her face. I was not surprised by the latter, as I have thought for a while that she has no vision in her right eye. Overall, I was pretty pleased with how she did, though clearly she did not do as well as she has in the past.
She did these courses so quickly/well in the past (8 months ago and 6 months ago):
But, this gives me hope that she still has something and her vision is not totally gone...we'll see!
Looking at the video again, I realize I didn't lay out the buckets perfectly to be an extremely effective obstacle course, but because it was warm out (you can hear her panting!), she wasn't very interested in doing it again when I re-arranged - she went and lay in the shade! Will probably practice this exercise again in the not-so distant future, hopefully with better materials that are closer to what I had last year. :)